Recent Craze Surrounding Himalayan Pink Salt

Have you heard the recent buzz about Himalayan Pink Salt? Still, confused about why is it trending hash-tags and catching the attention over regular table salt? Salt is an integral part of food as it is the base taste of any dish. Himalayan pink salt is the purest type of salt and comes under the category of exotic ingredients. To get an idea of what makes a Himalayan salt different from other types of salt we are mentioning the necessary details of all salts and the qualities of Himalayan pink salt over other salts. 

What are the different types of salt?

  • Table Salt

Regular table salt is being manufactured by drilling the sea beds and pumping out the ground saltwater and then refining and purifying it in factory units. In this process, the salt goes through a lot of chemical additions. 

  • Sea Salt

Sea salt is made by evaporating seawater mostly in sunlight. Most there are no chemicals added to the sea salt. The minerals remain intact in sea salt. We have many sea beds in India in the state of Gujarat.

  • Rock Salt

Himalayan pink salt is a type of rock salt, which is being extracted from hundreds of feet below the ground. The process involves drilling the rock and taking out the crushes of salt. 

What is special about Himalayan pink salt?

  • Himalayan pink salt is rarely found in some parts of the world. Himalayan pink salt is the remains of the evaporated seas. It is found in a few places in Australia and America but the majority of the Himalayan pink salt is found in the mines of Pakistan. The Khewra salt mine situated in the foothills of the Himalayas in the Punjab part of Pakistan is the major supplier of Himalayan pink salt. 
  • Himalayan pink salt is considered a luxury salt because of its rare availability and of course because of its cost. 

Is the Himalayan Pink Salt Healthier?

  1. Himalayan pink salt is extremely rich in minerals. The presence of high content of minerals gives this salt a pink color. 
  2. Besides eating Himalayan pink salt is found to be effective in healing in therapies related to body pain.

It is suggested to take adequate care while choosing your salt. Salt consumption is necessary for fulfilling iodine requirements of the body. Giving a place to  a salt in your kitchen shelf only after reading the product label is a must. Choose the best and healthy!

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